Sunday, April 14, 2013

Book review - With Walker in Nicaragua.

James Carson Jamison was one of William Walker's filibusters in Latin America. In 1909 he published a 181 page account of his adventures entitled With Walker in Nicaragua.

Jamison starts off with an overview of how Walker got his start in Nicaragua and the course of events prior to his arrival. He then explains how he enlisted in Walker's force and recounts the battles he was engaged in. An account from a comrade of Walker's final capture and execution finishes out the book.

With little available on Walker's expeditions, I found With Walker to be fascinating. Jamison writes well while splitting the difference between a history and a personal account. He doesn't always explain the over-arching view but does an admirable job recounts the events of William Walker's rise and fall in Central America. He also gives a short account of his reasons for joining Walker.

I found the account interesting and easy to read. Jamison leaves out some dates and other particulars but he is writing 50 years after the fact so the omissions are understandable. What is amazing to me is that he is able to remember as much as he does. For anyone interested in the filibustering period of American history or just wanting to read about an often over-looked historical event, I highly recommend With Walker in Nicaragua.

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